How will VBB move forward?

3 min readFeb 3, 2021

How will VBB’s future move be determined?

Education has always existed before technology advances.
Now, due to technological advances, it is possible to easily receive beneficial education.

With technological advances, economic losses have been minimized and a better education system has been established.

Still many countries where education was available, they were getting smarter from an advanced education system, while in other countries that did not, they were getting poorer.

For example, no matter how advanced the technology is if you have a system or intelligence that cannot accept the technology, it becomes difficult to receive an education.

Even installing a computer is difficult, a huge amount of money is required to install a large number of computers, and communication and installation costs are very high, so it is not an easy task.

These are the current walls that VBB is trying to break through using current technology to educate more children until the day they are freed from poverty.

Over the past month, I’ve been working at VBB and my team to create the best experience of the student onboarding process as well as mentor pairing.

In a country that doesn’t have modern technologies, we try to be simple for the student onboarding process.

Since there are lots of technologies limit in many countries, we applied only the technologies that can be supported by all browsers.

Some browsers are not able to support the most decent technologies that just came out which we have to concern the accessibilities.

We were using an Ant Design which is the most trended neutral design component library to give the best user experience when students perform a sign-up process.

Students are able to sign up and create an account and auto send their info to the Headmaster, the head of the village, and the school.

After the student are able to sign-up and get accepted by the Headmaster,
the Headmaster will now able to match the current available mentor and students to provide the best education program.

Another feature that we worked on is creating a teacher(mentor) dashboard.

Like I said before, there are technical barriers that prevent utilizing the most decent technologies The future feature that I’m anticipated is utilizing the voice supporting system.

To improve those accessibilities, something like Siri or Alexa, which are AI bot that can handle easily.
The challenges will come through how to utilize the AI bot as well as working with AI engineers and data scientists to create an AI bot.

The feedback I got from peers that showing additional information of mentors or mentees when clicking a mentor name or mentee name on the matched list.

At last, during the past month, VBB projects brought me a great experience to actually thinking and gain knowledge of working with teammates for the onboarding process/mentor pairing system.

I look forward to working for another company with the strong confidence where I gained from VBB projects and Lambda Labs to further my career goals.

